They often include sample code and other support materials and are available as hardcopy books, in IBM Redbooks CD-ROM collections, and on the IBM Redbooks site. 它们通常包括示例代码和其他支持材料,并以硬拷贝图书的形式、在IBM红皮书CD-ROM收藏集中以及在IBM红皮书网站上提供。
We disclaim all liability for all materials on your site. 我们免除所有责任都在你们工地材料。
Any non-conforming materials found on the production floor or site are identified by labels or placed in identified location for further disposition. 生产现场发现的任何不合格品均须用标签加以区别或存放于指定地点等待进一步处理。
Building materials are piled up mountain-high on the construction site. 工地上建筑材料堆积如山。
An important part of our determination to create confidence in our due process is that our meetings are open to the public, and the agenda materials are freely available on our web site. 我们对完备的准则制定程序有信心的另一个重要原因,是因为我们的会议是向公众公开的,会议议程等材料可以通过网站免费查看。
Course materials on the site include a complete set of lecture notes and assignments. 课程教材包含一系列完整的课堂讲稿及指定作业。
For this purpose, exhibitors should send samples of the above materials ( 2 copies) to us on site before the exhibition. 为此,展商须在参展前将上述资料的样品(式两份)给我司现场工作人员。
Unless otherwise indicated, the materials found on this site are subject to copyright owned by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 本网站所载的资料,除注明外,皆受香港特别行政区政府的版权保护。
Finally, OpenJFX is the source for the current documentation of the project; tutorials, reference materials, and links to blogs and other resources are all hosted on the OpenJFX site. 最后,OpenJFX也是项目当前文档的来源;指南、参考资料和一些指向blog及其他资源的链接都可以在OpenJFX站点上找到。
Various members of the MIT OCW staff will attend these events and would welcome meeting users of the materials available on the MIT OCW Web site. 而麻省理工开放式课程的不同职员亦将参与这些活动,并欣喜地与这些线上教材的使用者见面。
The site claimed it was not responsible for the content of materials that users posted on its site. 它声明对用户在其网站张贴的内容概不负责。
The deposit is refundable upon the proper placing of his construction materials on site and removal. 撤展时,外来施工单位在清理及妥善交还场地后,按金可凭收据原款退还。
Maintain the Marketing Materials on FTP Server and Intranet Site. 负责更新维护在FTP服务器和公司内部网站上的市场资料。
Also, all materials presented in class will be posted on the site. 课堂上介绍的资料也将发布在网上。
Are materials on the site copyrighted or in the public domain? 网站提供的材料是否受到版权保护,还是属于公共领域?
Project-based undertaking usually needs substantial materials on site. 工程型项目在实施的过程中,现场往往需要大量的物料。
The traits and further detailed hierarchy of information platform to house-building companies is also presented; finally, a model& algorithm based on the best value for critical path and the second distribution of the materials on site is given as for the inner factors. 也讨论了房建施工企业信息平台应该具有的特点和细化的研究层次,最后针对内向作用因素给出了基于价值最优的关键线路以及现场物料的二次分销模型和算法。
Effective methods to identifying and treat the steel materials of poor quality on construction site are introduced in the paper. 介绍实践中行之有效的若干在施工现场识别和查处劣质钢材的方法。
Working Organization Design and Materials Traceability on Site for Coating Systems 多种涂装系统的施工组织设计和现场材料跟踪